Friday, August 05, 2005


Yay!! I went to carousel!!! I love the weekend.. apart from the fact that i have a presentation due on monday im totally lookin forward to slackin over the wkend. Its third wk of uni and already i've got presentations and assignments due. I hate hard work. Actually i just hate work period.

Whateva... carousel was fun though we were only there for a bit over an hour. After i introduced Bhav to the heavenly pancakes wit bananas at Feddy's she's been hooked and was cravin it when we were at carousel so we crashed the Feddy's there. We only found out after having settled in comfotably and after Karen had ordered her disgustin looking veg. soup that they were out of pancakes!! OUT OF BLOODY PANCAKES!! But being the determined pancake-loving young women that we are.. we took a cab to the Feddy's in the city (20 bucks) and had our pancakes. And it was worth it.. yummy hot pancakes wit slices of banana, maple syrup,butter and ice-cream.. how can you go wrong. It is right up there with Baskin's cookie dough icecream, peanutbutter n nutella sandwhiches and Nelly.

That was my favourite things to eat list in case you hadn't figured it out already ;)

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